The Columbia College Foundation and its community partners will present more than $120,000 in scholarships to qualified and deserving students at the annual Columbia College Scholarship and Awards Celebration on Thursday, April 18.  The event, 4:30-5:30 pm at the Dogwood Forum on campus, features student and community speakers, musical performances, and presentation of the Student of the Year awards.

Speakers at Thursday’s event include Student of the Year Danea Palmer who is a science student planning to transfer to UC Santa Barbara, re-entry student Max Golay who is working toward a nursing degree, and community donor, Jon Whited, who works closely with the college’s hospitality management program and funds a scholarship for those students.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, the Foundation and community partners awarded more than 160 scholarships to more 90 students, totaling more $120,000 in support for their educational expenses. Many of these scholarships are contributed by community organizations and individuals, many are offered annually through the Foundation’s endowed funds, and more than 20 each year are funded through the Foundation’s Osher Scholarship Endowment, established in partnership with the Bernard Osher Foundation, the Foundation for California Community Colleges and community donors.

Columbia College students are encouraged to apply for scholarships each fall. Criteria for awards vary depending on donors’ preferences which include area of study, academic excellence, volunteer involvement, or financial need.

“A college degree opens many doors,” noted Dr. Santanu Bandyopadhyay, College President. “By providing scholarships and recognizing the talent of local students, Columbia College Foundation is helping our area residents to be productive members of society tomorrow. This is made possible by the generosity of all donors who contribute to the Foundation. It is your vision and philanthropy that encourage our students to move forward toward a successful career.”

The college is proud of the fact that it has so many campus donors support student scholarships. Student clubs, employee groups, and dozens of individual faculty, staff, and retirees fund annual scholarships and awards through the Foundation.

Colette Such, Columbia College Foundation President added, “What a privilege it is to do this work. While reading through these many scholarship applications, I find inspiration from the applicants’ struggle, their courage, their grit, their hope and their promise. They are all so very worthy. Thank you to all our donors who have made these scholarships possible.

The Columbia College Foundation is a community nonprofit established in 1972 to promote quality higher education that enriches the academic, economic, and cultural life of our community. The Foundation’s mission is to promote student success by providing community resources that support and expand educational opportunities for Columbia College students. Donations to the Columbia College Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  

Questions about the Foundation should be directed to Amy Nilson, Director of Development, at (209) 588-5055 or