Located on 280 pristine acres of oak woodland, mixed conifer forest, and chaparral, Columbia College in Sonora, CA is the perfect setting to develop the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary for a career in the field of Forestry & Natural Resources. Coupled with the High Sierra Institute at Baker Station near the crest of the Sonora Pass, Columbia College offers numerous learning opportunities and varied career options. The Forestry & Natural Resources department is equipped with an assortment of leading-edge technology and equipment essential for developing wildlife, watershed, forestry, forest surveying, mapping and other necessary skills. This equipment, along with Columbia College’s close proximity to off-campus study sites such as Yosemite National Park, the Stanislaus National Forest, Calaveras Big Trees State Park and much more, ensure that students are well-prepared. Recently students attending FNR 11: Natural Resources Field Camp at the High Sierra Institute at Baker Station under the careful guidance of Dr. Tom Hofstra recently constructed this table from a white ?r that died of natural causes. The table is 65 feet long and both table and benches were cut using the Forestry and Natural Resources program’s Alaska Mill and Husquavarna 395 chain saw. The tree was carefully felled last spring to lie level. It was milled where it fell. The table is the centerpiece of Baker Station’s outdoor classroom.

Worth a Guinness World Record? Well the longest picnic table is 120.33 m (394 ft. 9 in) and was achieved by Elite, an Elbisco brand, (Greece) in Athens, Greece on 22 June 2014 according to Guinness World Records North America, Inc., but this is for sure the longest outdoor classroom table!

For more information about these events or Career Technical Education courses offered at Columbia College, please call 209.588.5142 or visit www.gocolumbia.edu/career_technical